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Learn From Trusted Experts & 7+ Figure Entrepreneurs How To:

Master the Art of Business Acquisitions to Expand Your Network, 
Build Generational Wealth, And 
Propel Your Entrepreneurial Journey with the Business Builders Institute

Gain Access To The Ace of Acquisition: Bjorn “Beez” Hendricks’ Personal Growth Strategies AND His Powerful Network Of Multi-Million Dollar Investors
Start Creating Generational Wealth Today!
Gain Access To Business Builder Beez’s Personal Growth Strategies AND HisPowerful Network Of Multi-Million Dollar Entrepreneurs:
Learn From Trusted Experts & 7+ Figure Entrepreneurs How To:

Master the Art of Business Acquisitions to Expand Your Network, Build Generational Wealth, and Propel Your Entrepreneurial Journey with the Business Builders Institute

Gain Access To The Ace of Acquisition: Bjorn “Beez” Hendricks’ Personal Growth Strategies AND His Powerful Network Of Multi-Million Dollar Investors:
Start Creating Generational Wealth Today!

Over 627,000 New Businesses Open Each Year… Yet Only 20% Of Them Will Make It past The 5-Year Mark

Why do you think that is? 

Lack of Insight into profitable acquisitions?

underutilized networks?

lack of knowledge to acquisition strategies?

​ALL of the above?

The truth is, focusing solely on starting from scratch can be a slow path to growth. But, it’s not set in stone - yet.
Start Creating Generational Wealth Today By Learning How to Acquire Existing Cash-flowing Businesses!

Over 627,000 New Businesses Open Each Year… Yet Only 20% Of Them Will Make It Past The 5-Year Mark

Why do you think that is? 

Lack of Insight into Profitable Acquisitions?

Underutilized Networks?

Lack of Knowledge to Acquisition Strategies?

​ALL of the above?

The truth is, focusing solely on starting from scratch can be a slow path to growth. It's not set in stone - yet.
Start Creating Generational Wealth Today By Learning How to Acquire Existing Cash-flowing Businesses!

Are You Guilty Of ANY Of These?

  • Struggling to scale your business effectively
  • Overwhelmed by the complexity of acquisitions and mergers
  • Unsure how to assess a business's true value before acquisition
  • Lacking the network to find lucrative acquisition opportunities
  • ​Attempting to grow through acquisitions without a strategic plan
...If any of these sound familiar, that’s perfectly OK (and fixable)! It shows you're in the right place.

Most Entrepreneurs Are Making These Three Mistakes:

They lack: 


Strategic Acquisition Plans


Network Support for Opportunities


Knowledge on Financing Acquisitions


Strategic Acquisition Plans


Network Support for Opportunities


Knowledge on Financing Acquisitions
Why? Because they don’t know HOW to identify and seize the right acquisition opportunities. They don’t know WHERE to find businesses that offer synergistic growth potential. And they don’t understand WHO can help finance and facilitate these growth opportunities. So, they continue believing that starting small and handling everything themselves is safer, when in fact…

By not considering acquisitions, you might be missing out on rapid growth opportunities! You’ll feel:
  • Stuck in endless operations
  • Burnt out from slow growth
  • Frustrated by limited market reach
  • Unproductive in competitive scaling
And by ignoring the power of acquisitions…

You might be slowing down your potential to build wealth. That’s why The Business Builders Institute teaches you how to master the art of acquisitions, leverage your network for better opportunities, and skyrocket your impact, influence, and income.

Start Creating Generational Wealth Today!

Are You Stuck When It Comes To…

  • Understanding the intricacies of business acquisitions?
  • Leveraging acquisitions for rapid scale?
  • Building a network that brings you lucrative opportunities?
  • Structuring your acquisitions for long-term success?
  • Financing your growth through strategic acquisitions?

Here’s What The BBI Can Do For You!

  • Demystify the process of acquiring businesses
  • Help you gain back your time, freedom, and energy through strategic growth
  • Build & implement effective acquisition strategies
  • Expand your network and explore new acquisition opportunities
  • Tailor your entrepreneurial journey based on strategic business acquisitions
We do this by providing you with the tools, training, resources, and expert advice that ALL successful acquirers are leveraging.

The Business Builders Institute Testimonials

The Business Builders Institute Testimonials

Inside, You Will Find:

 The Round Table (Seminars)

LIVE Weekly Calls with a support system of like-minded entrepreneurs all looking to take their life to another level. The RoundTable is where we test out new tactics and strategies live. Hosted by BusinessBuilderBeez and including speakers from his powerful network of multi-millionaire entrepreneurs, the RoundTable is the most sought-after part of the Institute! (Over 80+ hours of valuable recorded content from the previous Round Table Sessions.) 

 The Institute

The Business Builders Institute is the premier educational platform for entrepreneurs of all levels! Our programs are based on the Business Builders Methodology which is derived from Lean Six Sigma and other improvement methodologies. Learn WHICH business models to focus on; HOW to fund your business; and WHY process, systems, and people will help you to scale and reclaim your TIME FREEDOM!

The Institute consists of:
               1. Business Builders Curriculum (Scaling Businesses)
               2. Empire Builders Curriculum (Buying Businesses)
               3. Weekly Round Table Sessions 
The Business Builders Curriculum (Scaling Businesses) 
This is the foundation and repository of knowledge that continues to grow and improve. Considered as the main bucket in the Institute which focuses on the central tenets of the Business Building Methodology: 
     1. Intro and Mindset - Networking; Conquering Fear; and more! 
     2. Business Models & Strategies - Vetted and best for scaling quickly. Speakers                  from BBRT and other mini-courses are here; The overlooked "middleman"                      businesses; Providing to B2B instead of consumers, etc. 
     3. Business Structure Strategies - Creating a consortium; Multi-Member LLCs,                  etc. 
     4. Process - Value Stream Mapping; DIKW model; MoSCoW; Identifying Waste;                Policies, Roles & Controls, and more! 
     5. Systems - Automated workflows and communication (Slack and Workflows,                  GoHighLevel, Zapier)
     6. People - Hiring remote workers to start as well as the roles needed to structure              your business to sell. And creating a good corporate culture
     7. Credit - The basis of funding your businesses (personal and business credit);                  Fintech; Credit Unions; Manufactured Spend; Shared Secured Loans; and                      more!
     8. Creating Generational Wealth - Trusts; Infinite Banking; Changing your                              perspective on Financial Literacy; and more!  

The Empire Builders Curriculum (Buying Businesses) 
This advanced curriculum gives you all that you need to know about Mergers and Acquisitions. Discussions about the steps involved in merging or acquiring a company, from start to finish with topics from planning, research, due diligence, closing and implementation activities. Regular updates will surely give you more value than you've ever expected in this program. 
     1. Biz Acquisition Mindset - Setting your mind to acquiring businesses and                            unveiling the secrets to them. 
     2. Biz Flippers 5-day Challenge - A helpful detailed step-by-step plan for acquiring            businesses with $0 out of pocket. 
     3. Finding Deals On & Off-Market – Finding deals and learning how to deal with                  business brokers. 
     4. Negotiating Deals - Effective approach towards sellers and the strategies to                    fund your deals. 
     5. Choosing acquisition – Identifying your target deals and how to spot a bad one. 
     6. Deal Funding and Stacking - Real-time acquisitions learnings, and how you can            stack deal funding.
     7. Doing Due Diligence - Dealing with the legal part of the acquisition, adopting                    new strategies, and how you can have a good legal team.  
     8. How To Flip Businesses - Become a master of flipping businesses, build an                    empire and do a lot more! 
*The fee shown on this page includes ALL future content updates. 

 “Done-for-you" Business Funding

Want ALL of the heavy lifting done for you? You’ll have the option of launching a business funding company where all you do is the marketing. 

All backend operations will be completed for you so that you can put your feet up and collect passive income!

 The eBooks

Done-for-you eBooks to instantly increase your credibility, authority, and authenticity. ALL entrepreneurs must have as many streams of passive income as possible - and you can add this to yours right away! 

You will receive: 
  • Credit-Based eBooks
  • Business Based eBooks

 The Support Group

Access to a supportive, like-minded community who are there for you 24/7, 365 days a year. Our private Facebook community is the perfect place to network, make friends and create budding new business relationships!

 The Round Table (Seminars)

LIVE Weekly Calls with a support system of like-minded entrepreneurs all looking to exponentially grow their businesses. The RoundTable is where we test out new acquisition strategies live, hosted by BusinessBuilderBeez and including speakers from his powerful network of multi-millionaire entrepreneurs. The RoundTable is the most sought-after part of the Institute! (Over 80+ hours of valuable recorded content from previous Round Table Sessions.)

 The Institute

The Business Builders Institute is the premier educational platform for entrepreneurs of all levels! Our programs are based on the Business Builders Methodology which is derived from Lean Six Sigma and other improvement methodologies. Learn WHICH business models to focus on; HOW to fund your business; and WHY process, systems, and people will help you to scale and reclaim your TIME FREEDOM!

The Institute consists of:
1. Business Builders Curriculum (Scaling Businesses)
2. Empire Builders Curriculum (Buying Businesses)
3. Weekly Round Table Sessions 
The Business Builders Curriculum (Scaling Businesses) 
This is the foundation and repository of knowledge that continues to grow and improve. Considered as the main bucket in the Institute which focuses on the central tenets of the Business Building Methodology:

1. Intro and Mindset - Networking; Conquering Fear; and more! 

2. Business Models & Strategies - Vetted and best for scaling quickly. Speakers from BBRT and other mini-courses are here; The overlooked "middleman" businesses; Providing to B2B instead of consumers, etc. 

3. Business Structure Strategies - Creating a consortium; Multi-Member LLCs, etc. 
4. Process - Value Stream Mapping; DIKW model; MoSCoW; Identifying Waste; Policies, Roles & Controls, and more! 
5. Systems - Automated workflows and communication (Slack and Workflows,      GoHighLevel, Zapier)
6. People - Hiring remote workers to start as well as the roles needed to structure      your business to sell. And creating a good corporate culture

7. Credit - The basis of funding your businesses (personal and business credit); Fintech; Credit Unions; Manufactured Spend; Shared Secured Loans; and more!

8. Creating Generational Wealth - Trusts; Infinite Banking; Changing your      perspective on Financial Literacy; and more!  

The Empire Builders Curriculum (Buying Businesses) 
This advanced curriculum gives you all that you need to know about Mergers and Acquisitions. Discussions about the steps involved in merging or acquiring a company, from start to finish with topics from planning, research, due diligence, closing and implementation activities. Regular updates will surely give you more value than you've ever expected in this program. 

1. Biz Acquisition Mindset - Setting your mind to acquiring businesses and                unveiling the secrets to them. 

2. Biz Flippers 5-day Challenge - A helpful detailed step-by-step plan for acquiring      businesses with $0 out of pocket. 

3. Finding Deals On & Off-Market – Finding deals and learning how to deal with business brokers. 

4. Negotiating Deals - Effective approach towards sellers and the strategies to        fund your deals. 

5. Choosing acquisition – Identifying your target deals and how to spot a bad one. 

6. Deal Funding and Stacking - Real-time acquisitions learnings, and how you can    stack deal funding.

7. Doing Due Diligence - Dealing with the legal part of the acquisition, adopting            new strategies, and how you can have a good legal team.  

8. How To Flip Businesses - Become a master of flipping businesses, build an        empire and do a lot more! 
*The fee shown on this page includes ALL future content updates. 

 “Done-for-you" Business Funding

Want ALL of the heavy lifting done for you? You’ll have the option of launching a business funding company where all you do is the marketing. 

All backend operations will be completed for you so that you can put your feet up and collect passive income!

 The eBooks

Done-for-you eBooks to instantly increase your credibility, authority, and authenticity. ALL entrepreneurs must have as many streams of passive income as possible - and you can add this to yours right away! 

You will receive: 
  • Credit-Based eBooks
  • Business Based eBooks

 The Support Group

Access to a supportive, like-minded community who are there for you 24/7, 365 days a year. Our private Facebook community is the perfect place to network, make friends and create budding new business relationships!

PLUS, If You Join The Business Builders Institute Today, You’ll Also Get: 

BONUS - Priority And VIP Access To All Of The Services From The Companies Owned By Beez Such as:


"Done for you" Business Funding programs to launch and expand your business

But That’s Not All… You’ll Also Get:

Exclusive Invites To Bi-Annual Meet-Ups & Annual Conference 

catch our Sale and Enroll Into The Business Builders Institute For Just $4,997!

Valued at $33,500

Start Creating Generational Wealth Today!

What Have You Got To Lose?

If you really stop and think about it… You’ve tried it your way. You’ve tried random methods online. You’ve tried binge-watching YouTube videos from “gurus” who just got lucky. You’ve tried doing it ALL yourself. And what have you ended up with?
  • Less time
  • Less energy
  • Less income
The Business Builders Institute is already a total no-brainer!  I’m offering to give YOU what no one else will: The tools and resources you need to gain more. 
  • More time to do the things you enjoy
  • More money to spend on your family 
  • More freedom to live your life how you want to live it
Yes, it comes with a price. But if you are SERIOUS about making this business, and your next business, and the business after that a HUGE success…

You’ll make your enrollment fee back in a heartbeat. The BBI isn’t based on predictions or best guesses. It’s based on industry-leading best practice methodologies such as: 
  • Lean Six Sigma
  • ITIL
  • PMP
  • Lean IT
  • ​And more!
AND you will gain access to continuous improvements, updates, and content upgrades throughout your time in BBI. So, if you’re ready to gain access to ALL of the knowledge, tools, and skills you need to run, build, scale, and sell MULTIPLE businesses…

Catch Our Sale And Enroll Into The Business Builders Institute For Just 4,997!

Valued at $33,500

Start Creating Generational Wealth Today!
© 2021 Business Builders Institute  |  All Rights Reserved